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love set 【綱球】敗方得零分的一盤比賽。

love sick

The song is based on a legend of unrequited love set in a deserted castle on the ancient silk road , it creates a deep and intoxicating sadness which surrounds and inhabits you 它講述了發生在絲綢之路上一座無人問津的空堡中的一段古老的愛情傳說,抒發著一種令人沉醉的深深哀愁,將你籠罩其中,難以自拔。

And the further he penetrated into that element of love , the more he renounced life , and the more completely he annihilated that fearful barrier that love sets up between life and death 而且,他愈是沉浸在愛的原則之中,他愈是遠離著生活,也愈徹底地清除了當人們沒有了愛時,那道生與死之間的障礙。

Der rosenkavalier is a sweet tale of young love set against a background of fading beauty in the exquisite drawing rooms of 18th century vienna 該劇是講述充滿暮色的18世紀維也納顯貴大廳內的一段青年愛侶的浪漫愛情故事。

Love sets everything hard . standing , sitting , arm in arm quietly , catch the amorous feeling and romance from inverted reflection in water 是愛把這一切凝固了。站著,坐著,靜靜地依偎,感覺倒影帶給你的多情和浪漫。

That i would live on in silence my friend then something changed in me funny how love , it s funny how love sets you free 你講若沒掏做代志就不順勢你講生活最主要的目的就是想欲小